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January 1, 1970


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  Vision is one of the most precious senses for every human being, without your eyes and sight you will not see the one who loves you and love them, you will not enjoy the scenery and will not perform your duties to the fullest. Through our article, we will learn how to choose the best ophthalmologist and how can he/she help you along with many tips and advice on how to prevent eye strain and infection.  

When to seek the best eye doctor?

Some people are not interested in regularly check their eyes, even when they show some symptoms of chronic eye diseases. Eye tests are not just a test for visual impairment, but rather an important way to discover eye problems before the emergence of serious symptoms and vision loss. So, everyone must perform a comprehensive examination of the eyes every two years, and there are some indications that an eye doctor visit is necessary, including:  

Permanent and persistent headache

If your head is pounding constantly, it may be time to go to the ophthalmologist, according to some studies that proved suffering a persistent headache, when you stare for long periods at a computer screen or working in a bright or very dim light means your eyes are straining and are in danger. By adjusting the workplace lighting, or remembering to take a break every hour to give your eyes relief, headaches can disappear, in other severe cases, the cause of your headache may be astigmatism, myopia or even glaucoma, so it is important that you go to the doctor.  

Eye injuries

Eye infections can get really painful. Symptoms of eye inflammation include feeling that something is in your eyes, dry eyes or excessive tear and redness, pain, photosensitivity, and blurred vision. You may need a course of antibiotic drops to treat these. Infections.

Dry Eye

If your eyes are bothering you, consult a doctor, usually, the reason is that your eyes are either not producing enough tears, thin tears or are losing those tears quickly. Dry eyes can be resolved with some moisturizing eye drops, but sometimes, dry eyes can be a sign of a problem with the tear ducts, glaucoma, so visiting the doctor immediately is the most appropriate solution.

Blurred vision

If you can’t see far objects clearly or find difficulty reading this may be a sign that you need to wear glasses, so you should go to an ophthalmologist to choose the appropriate medical procedure for you, whether glasses, contact lenses or laser technology.


If you have diabetes, you probably already know how to take care of your blood sugar, but monitoring your eyesight is another important aspect. Diabetes is a disease that can damage the retina and its eye complications could be detected long before vision loss occurs, visit the best eye doctor as regularly as possible to avoid these complications. You can know more about "Diabetes" from here.

Tips and advice by the best eye doctors at Magrabi’s centers:

Prevention is better than treatment, our professionals at Magrabi will give you the best advice to take care of your eyes that can also help you maintain eye health and vision, here are some tips that you should include in your daily routine:

1. Avoid rubbing your eyes:

Hands are exposed to a lot of dirt, dust, and bacteria, and all this dirt can be easily transferred to the eye every time you touch or rub it, so avoid putting your hands on your eyes to prevent infection and irritation.

2. frequent hand-washing:

Wash your hands regularly to get rid of bacteria and prevent them from reaching your eyes, glasses, and contact lenses.

3. Protect your eyes from the sun:

Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of age- related macular degeneration and may cause corneal burns or photosensitivity, so it is best to wear UV-protected sunglasses or contact lenses.

4. Staying hydrated:

Adequate fluid intake is necessary for the overall health of the body, including the eyes. If you drink enough water, you protect your eyes from drying out.

5. Do not smoke:

Smoking makes you more vulnerable to presbyopia associated with aging and other eye problems such as dry eyes or cataracts it may also damage the optic nerves, which may have adverse effects on vision later on.

6. Maintaining a balanced diet:

Omega-3, Vitamins C, A, and E are necessary to keep your eyes healthy, make sure your diet contains different foods rich in those nutrients.

7. Keep a distance in front of the screen and lighting the room sufficiently:

You should stay a good distance from computer monitors whenever possible. This prevents strain on your eyes. Likewise, make sure that you have sufficient light spread throughout your room.

8. Using good types of eye makeup:

If you use make-up, choose good brands, stay away from bad quality eye shadows, mascara and eyeliner as they can cause an allergic reaction to your eyes. Always use a make-up remover before bed to avoid the accumulation of bacteria from the makeup. Likewise, clean your makeup brushes regularly.

9. Get enough sleep:

Just like the rest of your body, your eyes also need to be recharge, and this happens while you sleep, so make sure you get enough sleep every day to keep your eyes fresh and healthy.

10. Visit your eye doctor regularly:

When you visit your doctor every year you avoid risks and complications of many eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal tears.

Magrabi’s advice on how to find the best eye doctor

From the above, it is clear to us that it is necessary to preserve your eyesight and care for your eyes and try to protect them from anything that may affect the health of your eyes and your vision. So, it is important that you choose the best eye doctor with great experience in his specialty. A specialized doctor will give you tips and advice to care for your eyes. He can also diagnose the problem with your eyes and choose the appropriate treatment for you. The best eye doctor can be found by asking a lot of people about the results of their experiences with their doctors so that you can get the best doctor with the recommendation of many. If you can’t rely on other people, you can search online for the best eye doctor depending on many factors like his whereabouts, his reviews, his degrees and after visiting him and listening to your complain, you can decide if he has proper doctor/patient communication and if he is trustworthy of your time and your precious sense: VISION.

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