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Diabetes National Day | Learn about Magrabi's treatment services today

January 1, 1970


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Diabetes National Day is the day that the world celebrates on November 14 every year to raise awareness of the dangers of diabetes and spread more awareness about ways to confront it.  

Diabetes National Day

World Diabetes Day has been celebrated since 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization to counteract the significant increase in the prevalence of diabetes and the increasing health threat posed by this chronic disease. What is worth to mention, November 14 has been designated as the annual World Diabetes Day, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin with Charles Best in 1922. Diabetes National Day aims to conduct the most extensive campaign to raise awareness of the risks of diabetes, which reaches more than one billion people around the world in more than 160 countries. The blue circle was chosen to be a symbol of World Diabetes Day. The blue circle aims for global unity, which the International Diabetes Federation sought by selecting a logo that facilitates the coordination and use process by people who want to support the campaign.  

World Diabetes Day Celebrations

This date is marked by November 14 of each year, when monuments and essential and prominent buildings around the world are lit in blue, the same color as the United Nations flag, which symbolizes the union of nations, where encouraged to wear blue clothes because it is the symbol of the campaign.  

Objectives of Diabetes National Day

World Diabetes Day has many goals, namely:
  • Highlight diabetes.
  • Increasing awareness among the world's population about the dangers of diabetes.
  • It introduces the disease and its symptoms, especially the early ones.
  • It introduces the risks of the disease and the complications that can affect many patients.
  • Methods of dealing with diabetic patients in all its stages (high, low, coma).

What is diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world, This disease occurs when the pancreas cannot produce insulin in sufficient quantities for the body or when the body cannot use the insulin that it has effectively. It is known that insulin is a hormone that regulates the sugar level in the blood, and when the body cannot control the sugar level in the blood, It rises excessively, and over time, this leads to damage to the body's various organs, especially blood vessels and nerves.  

Types of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is divided into two main types, as follows:
  • Type 1 diabetes

This type of diabetes is known to affect people in youth or childhood, You should know that this type of diabetes occurs when insulin production decreases, Type 1 diabetics need to take specific doses of insulin daily.

  • Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes affects the elderly due to the ineffectiveness of their bodies with the hormone insulin, You should know that this type of diabetes affects 90% of the population around the world due to overweight and obesity.


Diabetes symptoms

We can learn about the symptoms of diabetes on Diabetes National Day, as they include the following symptoms and signs:
  • The dryness of the throat.
  • Desire to eat large amounts of water throughout the day.
  • Constant feeling of hunger, and shortly after meals.
  • Weight loss, and sometimes very rapid increase.
  • Suffering from skin itching.
  • Feeling tired and general exhaustion.
  • Wounds heal slowly.
  • As for children, they suffer from slow growth and short stature.

Diabetes complications

Diabetes National Day highlights the risks and complications of diabetes, as the difficulties are as follows:
  • Kidney failure.
  • Suffering from frequent mouth ulcers.
  • Tooth loss.
  • Weak gums and inflammation constantly.
  • Suffering from a defect in the upper and lower peripheral nerves.
  • Atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
  • Diabetic retinopathy.

Services provided by Magrabi on Diabetes National Day

Magrabi centers and hospitals spread throughout the Arab world and the Middle East attach great importance to public health, especially World Diabetes Day. Magrabi hospitals and centers in the Arab countries are distinguished by providing all treatment services for diabetic patients who suffer from diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes that affects the eye. Diabetic retinopathy affects the eye due to damage to the blood vessels in the tissue that is located in the retina, a tissue that is very sensitive to light, and this condition does not cause any symptoms during the initial stages of the disease only. The patient may suffer from minor vision problems, but over time the eye condition worsens and develops. It causes vision loss or blindness. Uncontrolled blood sugar level, in addition to the prolonged duration of diabetes, The patient is more likely to develop vision and vision problems and various eye diseases, The most common of which is diabetic retinopathy.  

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy

These symptoms appear on the patient when the eye condition worsens and develops and includes the following signs:
  • Dark spots or streaks appear in the field of vision.
  • Blurred and blurred vision, as well as fluctuating vision.
  • Dark or empty areas in the field of vision.
  • Blindness or loss of sight.

Complications of retinopathy

Neglecting the treatment of diabetic retinopathy causes many complications that affect the eye and may cause vision loss or blindness, including:
  • Vitreous hemorrhage.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • Complete loss of vision.

Magrabi services for diabetic retinopathy

In the context of talking about Diabetes National Day, we have to realize that  Magrabi Eye Hospitals and Centers are distinguished for providing advanced and distinguished treatment services in the retina unit. Vitreous body, where there are solutions to all eye problems and disorders that patients may suffer and related to the retina located behind the eye membrane, or the vitreous body is that fluid behind the eye. As a result of the complications of diabetes, the retina and the vitreous body are seriously ill, as they rely on modern and advanced devices in the conduct of eye surgeries related to the retina.  

Diagnostic services in “Magrabi”

Diagnostic services in Magrabi hospitals and centers are based on tomography of the retina and vision centers to diagnose retinal diseases early, in addition to a range of other treatment services, including:
  • Treatment of retinal diseases using laser surgery.
  • Treatment of retinal infiltrates using lasers and injections.
  • Surgery to remove the vitreous hemorrhage and damage resulting from complications of diabetes mellitus.
  • Retinal and vitreous detachment surgeries.
Magrabi Hospitals is also interested in providing the highest quality of health care and treatment services that rehabilitate patients to leave the hospital on the same day as the surgery while ensuring that follow-up with the treating physician is provided until the patient is fully recovered and vision returns to normal again. Because the success rate of eye surgeries in Magrabi Hospitals and Centers corresponds to the highest quality standards of international eye surgeries. This is the result of using the latest high-quality and accurate technological devices and techniques in ophthalmology and surgery, which distinguishes Magrabi Eye Centers and Hospitals in the Middle East. In addition to the establishment of an early detection unit for diabetic retinopathy, which was opened in the branch of Magrabi Eye Hospitals in Riyadh, and it relies on artificial intelligence technology, which is one of the latest technologies and is the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  

Magrabi's advice

Diabetes National Day is concerned with shedding light on the risks and complications of diabetes, the most prevalent chronic disease among the world's population. Therefore, it is necessary to know the symptoms and complications of this disease and try to avoid it by following up with the doctor to check on the body's general health every period.

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